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Grapefruit Diet Plan - Part (2)

Grapefruit Diet plan

Grapefruit Diet plan


Grapefruit Diet plan

Grapefruit Diet plan Some people are hesitant to start a diet program because they are not sure what they can and can not eat or do not like counting calories. The menu of this system is quite simple , however.

Foods you can eat

The following foods are considered good foods you can eat .

- Green vegetables , including peppers , green beans , broccoli , cucumbers , spinach , lettuce , cabbage Grapefruit Diet plan
- Red Onions
- Radish
- Carrots
- Tomatoes
- Coleslaw
- Chili without beans
- Hot dogs
- Lean meats
- Chicken
- Bacon
- Fish
- Quark
- Squash
- Eggs
- Regular vinaigrette
- Thon
- Pork Chops
- grapefruit
- Condiments and spices, including herbs , salt, pepper , vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, lemon , soy sauce , ketchup and mustard Grapefruit Diet plan.

Grapefruit Diet plan Foods you can not eat

- Desserts
- Starchy vegetables , including potatoes , corn, etc.
- celery
- Peas
- Cereals
- sheets
- Salad with low fat dressing
- Pasta
- Peanut butter
- Jam
- Pretzels


The following menus given you started Grapefruit Diet plan.

Day One

- Breakfast - Breakfast should include a cup of coffee or tea , 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon , ½ grapefruit.
- Lunch - Include chicken, fish or lean beef , salad and a cup of coffee or tea.
- Dinner - include grilled fish , salad and a grapefruit.

second day

- Breakfast - Include a cup of coffee or tea ( sugar substitute is permitted if you drink coffee or tea ), ½ grapefruit , 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon.
- Lunch - Include a fruit salad and a cup of coffee.
- Dinner - Include lean meat patty (no bread) and cooked vegetables Grapefruit Diet plan.

third Day

- Breakfast - Include a cup of coffee or tea , ½ grapefruit , 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon.
- Lunch - Include a tuna salad and a grapefruit .
- Dinner - Include lean meat or pork chops, salad and coffee.

fourth Day

- Breakfast - Include a cup of coffee or tea , ½ grapefruit , 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon.
- Lunch - Include 2 eggs , cottage cheese , pumpkin and coffee.
- Dinner - Include lean meat or spinach or grilled chicken and roasted coffee

Grapefruit Diet plan

fifth Day

- Breakfast - Include a cup of coffee or tea , ½ grapefruit , 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon.
- Lunch - Include dried cheese and spinach Grapefruit Diet plan.
- Dinner - include grilled fish or chicken , cooked vegetables and coffee .

Remember, these menus are only suggestions , Grapefruit Diet plan but the idea of ​​how the combinations work means . Generally , you can eat large amounts of meat and vegetables, but stick to the suggested amounts of grapefruit and coffee or tea. Good Luck! Grapefruit Diet plan.

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