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Cucumber diet - Weight Loss and Deep Purification

Cucumber diet

Cucumber Diet
Weight Loss and Deep Purification

Cucumber is the best diet of all food products. Contains 95-98 % water, and therefore contains the minimum calorie intake . But the remaining useful - cucumber is a valuable source of alkaline salts , which can slow the aging process and the formation of stones in the kidneys and liver. For cucumber is called body ordered .

Cucumber diet benefits

Cucumbers ,  Cucumber diet contrary to popular opinion , stimulate the appetite and increases the acidity of gastric juice - so it can not be taken by people with high acidity gastritis and peptic ulcer. Cucumbers iodinated compounds useful and easily digestible : scientists believe that regular use of cucumber in food improves thyroid , heart and blood vessels. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber - to improve on perfection peristalsis , and also clears the cholesterol in the blood vessel walls . Cucumber sugar, protein, vitamins B1 and V2 , vitamin C , carotene, chlorophyll , potassium, phosphorus , iron, manganese , copper, zinc , chromium, magnesium and the same silver , sodium , chlorine, . Due to the high potassium content cucumbers excellent " hunt " excess fluid , alleviate inflammation , reduce blood pressure , a mild laxative effect . Cucumber juice prevents the passage of fats and carbohydrates in preventing the accumulation of salts. Due to the low calorific value and better food "treatment" is an ideal product for people who want to lose weight Cucumber diet.

To lose weight with 'nutrition cucumber " , you can follow a special diet of cucumber ( below we present to your attention two variants of the same ) or just add the cucumber salad with every meal , or cucumber soup Cucumber diet.

Cucumber diet Bulgarian cold soup called tartar

It is very easy to make and is served directly to the board and need not be cooked . Get a large cucumber , grate or chop finely . Add a handful of chopped walnuts , garlic press ( for amateurs) , and cut into a dish of green lightning . Pour the yogurt into the soup . You can add a little vegetable oil . Replace your dinner with this soup - and you just melt weight. Furthermore, it is simply delicious and the dish was cold Cucumber diet!

Diet with cucumber salad Cucumber diet

It is advisable to keep within 3 days, or even a diet very low in calories and contains everything needed by the body . For the salad , we need a kilo of fresh cucumber , which should be short and full of low-fat sour cream . Add a little salt , you can add a bit of greenery . Eating a salad three times a day . Sample menu Cucumber diet:

• Breakfast : Cucumber diet salad, bread , tea or coffee without sugar
• Lunch: salad, a drink without sugar
• Dinner: salad, 50 g of boiled meat or an egg, a cup of yogurt

7 days Cucumber

For this diet for a day , we will need a 1-1.5 kg of cucumbers . Sample menu :

day 1

• Breakfast : two cucumbers , a slice of black bread
• Dinner: cucumber soup ( with yogurt), an apple
• Dinner: Cucumber salad with greens and vegetable oil

day 2

• Breakfast : cucumber, bread
• Lunch: 50 grams of meat , and cucumber salad leaves , radishes and onions can add
• Dinner: Green salad with cucumber and vegetable oil Cucumber diet

Day 3

• Breakfast : two cucumbers , a slice of bread
• Lunch: 100 g boiled fish , 100 g of boiled sauce (more rice) .Cucumber diet cucumber
• Dinner: Green salad with cucumber and vegetable oil

Day 4:

• Cucumber diet Breakfast : cucumber, bread
• Lunch: 100 grams of rice, 20 g cheese , cucumber
• Dinner: Green salad with cucumber and vegetable oil

day 5

• Breakfast : two cucumbers , a slice of bread
• Lunch: Cucumber diet Salad of cucumber, cabbage , radish and carrot
• Dinner: Salad of cucumber and green oil

day 6

• Lunch: cucumber, bread Cucumber diet
• Dinner: cucumber soup ( yogurt can be added) , 1 egg , pear
• Dinner: vegetable salad cucumber and vegetable oil

day 7

• Breakfast : two cucumbers , a slice of bread
• Dinner: cucumber soup (available with yogurt ) ,  Cucumber diet apple
• Dinner: Green salad with cucumber and vegetable oil

Other Way To Diet Mushroom Diet

Mushroom Diet - Shedding Light on Mushrooms A Healthy Addition to Your Diet

Mushroom Diet

Mushroom Diet
Shedding Light on Mushrooms
A Healthy Addition to Your Diet

If you are trying to eat healthier , consider adding mushrooms to your diet. They are rich in nutrients , low in calories, and one of the most versatile vegetables Mushroom diet.

Mushroom diet In fact, the fungi are a vegetable. It is a fungus , which means they have no roots or seeds and do not need light to grow . They prefer to grow in dark places ( caves are a favorite) and reproduce by releasing spores. Mushroom diet To date, they have been more than 35,000 varieties of mushrooms exist in nature , but only a small part of which are edible. For this reason it is a good idea to eat mushrooms yourself. There are a variety of safe , delicious mushrooms available in grocery stores and supermarkets today Mushroom diet.

There are a number of reasons why mushrooms are a welcome addition to a healthy, Mushroom diet nutritious diet . One of the main reasons is that they add bulk to foods without adding unwanted calories. There are only 20 calories in five medium sized mushrooms Mushroom diet , making it an ideal choice for those trying to lose weight. Are also rich in Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2. Riboflavin plays an important role in fat , carbohydrate and protein metabolism . In addition , mushrooms are a good source of niacin , which is important for cell repair , and are rich in minerals such as selenium , potassium and copper. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure , copper is involved in the metabolism of iron and selenium is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer in particular.

Mushroom diet The most common mushroom varieties available in the market are white or button mushrooms . They are inexpensive and can be purchased fresh, canned , frozen and uniform. They tend to have a sweet taste and easily absorb other flavors and spices for cooking. They can be eaten raw as snacks and salads , Mushroom diet but they are also delicious when added to soups and main courses. They have a delicate texture that gives them a bit of quality " melt in your mouth . " Other common varieties include crimini mushrooms porcini and portobello mushrooms . Crimini mushrooms have a denser texture and rich flavor of mushrooms Paris , but are otherwise similar . Porcini has a strong and distinct flavor and tend to be more expensive . Portobello mushrooms are like extra- large mushrooms , with a similar taste and texture soft and pulpy .

Mushroom diet That mushrooms take the place of meat barbecue with this unique recipe for grilled portobello mushrooms . Mushroom diet They are delicious and have a fraction of the fat and calories found in a part of the flesh of a similar size. Serve with a salad and a side dish , andvoila ! You have a completely satisfying meal .

Mushroom diet grilled portobello

8-10 large portobello mushrooms
2-3 tablespoons of butter
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper
4-5 cloves garlic, minced or
1-2 teaspoons of oregano, thyme, or a mixture of Italian seasoning

Mix the butter Mushroom diet

Mix the butter , olive oil , salt and pepper in a medium saucepan. Mix ingredients over medium -low heat until butter is melted.

Mushroom diet Remove stems from mushrooms if needed and clean the connectors thoroughly. Turn and press the chopped garlic in the gills of mushrooms, use half a clove of garlic for each fungus.

Oil the grill so that the fungus does not stick and let it warm Mushroom diet. Once the grill is hot , brush lightly with oil exceeds mushroom olive oil and butter mixture , sprinkle with seasonings , and place on the grill surface . Once arranged in ascending side gills gently brush with the same mixture . Cook for 8-10 minutes, or until they begin to brown and crisp. Carefully turn and cook 2-3 minutes on the other side before serving.

Eggplant Diet‎ other Way To Lose Weight

Eggplant Diet‎ - How Eggplant Water Can Help Weight Loss

Eggplant Diet‎ If you are concerned about a recent increase in some extra kilos, Eggplant Diet‎ did you know that the eggplant water can help you lose weight? Losing a few kilos is easier than you think. This objective can be achieved by the loss of excessive fluid retention, which also relieves the uncomfortable feeling bloated belly. Vegetables generally are known as natural diuretics. You can recognize this term because it has been used to describe "water pills" that are sold in pharmacies, which are designed to remove excess fluid from the body. Drinking water plant can accomplish the same goal, of course.

Eggplant Diet‎ Natural foods are beneficial to eliminate retained fluids. For years, people who just want to remove toxins from your body for the well tried to take the excess green liquid, beets, carrots and cabbage. eggplant water also draws attention, as it not only acts as a diuretic, but it's so low in calories and nutrients.

Eggplant Diet‎ Bring to a boil and save

Eggplant is a popular vegetable among chefs around the world (known in France and elsewhere, such as eggplant). Chinese, French, Italian, Greek and Turkish are some dishes that make frequent use of this beautiful, tasty vegetable that can be prepared easily roasted, grilled or baked Eggplant Diet‎.

Eggplant Diet‎ What exactly eggplant water? Water is simply the byproduct of boiling eggplant. Think about the process of how to play against. Eggplant Diet‎ Most of the time boiled vegetables and discard the water. This time the vehicle is removed and water protection.

Here's what to do: Wash the eggplant, cut into small pieces and boil for about five minutes. Once done, we will all cost. Then filter all the water and conserve water. (Instead of pulling the eggplant, however, remember that is rich in fiber, folic acid, niacin and low in calories (only 33 calories for a cup full diced eggplant.) Turn the water in the refrigerator until you are ready for use Eggplant Diet‎.


How many cups should you drink? An 8-ounce glass of water daily is often recommended eggplant, eggplant water some fans say they grow seven to eight glasses a day. The best course of action may be for you to do with what your body feels comfortable. Try one drink a day for beginners and set up as you see fit Eggplant Diet‎.

Remember to drink water to help eggplant diet, fat is not lost, even if the scale shows that are a few kilos lighter.Eggplant Diet‎ You just lost fluid, not fat loss is only temporary. Finally, it is always best to ask your doctor if you have any questions or concerns before starting any new weight loss diet.

Garlic diet - Delicious Ideas for Including Garlic in Your Diet

You may be sitting at a dinner of delicious pasta and recently ate some simple garlic bread on the side, but you may not know exactly how your body could have benefited from this simple dish to have Garlic diet. Garlic is used as a natural antibiotic in many parts of the world, and has also been shown to have a number of positive effects on your body when eaten. Whether you are simply trying to improve the health and well being of your cardiovascular system, while eliminating the buildup of plaque in the arteries and vital organs, Garlic diet or trying to find a natural way to fight a disease that has befallen you, please read on to learn some of the amazing features of garlic and how it can be used to completely change your current physical and mental state Garlic diet.

Garlic diet Amino acids and other chemicals in garlic are divided in many other ways, as they are prepared and digested. Some of these compounds are credited with reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. Other compounds present in garlic, as it decomposes and circulates in the blood are also known to reduce the buildup of plaque in the body. Antioxidants are also found in garlic, this amazing tuber also been shown to help fight cancer and to help prevent it. This is just part of the surprising things that garlic can do for you, then you should really consider trying as many of these dishes, as often as possible Garlic diet.

Garlic Bread: Simple but effective, you cut raw garlic or seasoning powder is on toast is a healthy alternative to toast and garlic buttered traditionally. Since garlic loses some of its profits to the kitchen, it's best to try and add the garlic after heating Garlic diet.

Dressing: Garlic diet Add a little raw garlic dressing is a great way to get your daily dose without biting a raw clove or depend on a garlic pill.

Dip: Garlic diet Hummus regularly includes a good amount of garlic, so prepare yourself some hummus or buy at a local market is a great way to get the blood flowing. You can also consider adding a little garlic homemade sauce or bean sauce Garlic diet.

Garlic diet Soups: Since garlic is such a delicious condiment, most soups are just as good, if not better, with a bit of raw garlic in the mix. Try to add in any herbs or chicken rice soup for the best flavor.

Add the minced garlic, mashed potatoes, Garlic diet powdered or sliced ​​almost any dish will increase the flavor a little, and you can even bite into a clove of raw garlic on the side. Given the many health benefits that garlic gives humans and animals, it is very difficult to find a reason to avoid it. If you are too worried about the smell that garlic could leave his body or breath, consider finding oil pills or natural alternatives that still offer health benefits to all, without the smell Garlic diet.

Running Diet For Weight Loss - How to Eat For Weight Loss When Running and Exercising

From running as a means of weight loss is the ideal training strategy to pay the extra kilos and keep them off for good. running diet Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. And it puts more weight than other training programs. Not only that, the race decreases the chances of heart problems, reduces stress levels, diabetes away, makes you look younger and improves sexual desire, and so on. The list of reasons why running is so good for you is almost endless.

However, to effectively lose weight and keep it off forever, you should hold your weight loss program with proper diet. Otherwise, the sweat for nothing running diet.

Therefore, if you want to end the weight loss plateaus, here are some weight loss tips that can help running diet.

Do not skip meals

Skipping meals is a sign of trouble. running diet If you run regularly at meals, especially breakfast, and then expect slower metabolism levels, extreme levels of fatigue, weight loss plateaus or even profits and other serious health problems. Instead, make sure you take your meals throughout the day. The best way to do this is to opt for 4-5 small meals every 3-4 hours. This is enough to keep your metabolism firing and provide your body with the energy needed to enjoy high levels of performance racing running diet.

Eating carbohydrates

running diet Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the race. But not all carbs are equal. There are mainly two types of carbohydrates:

- Good carbs: Also known as complex carbohydrates. Make sure you eat a lot of them, especially 2-3 hours before your workout and immediately after. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include vegetables, beans, legumes and fruits. Limit your back running diet.

- Bad carbs: Also note that simple carbohydrates, which are easily and quickly absorbed by the body, so they tend to increase the levels of blood sugar, which leads to cravings and overeating. In addition, this type of carbohydrate is full of sugar and chemicals, so surely jeopardize your efforts to lose weight welfare levels and general health. Best to cut your power for good running diet.

Eat more protein

running diet The protein not only help you build more muscle mass and develop the physique of your dreams physics, also keep your cravings at bay by providing a feeling of fullness for longer, so avoid biting and overeating between meals. Some of the best sources of protein are lean red meat, chicken, turkey and eggs running diet.

Broccoli Diet - The Way To Best Health

If you are interested in dieting, Broccoli diet you may have heard of how diet. I can almost guarantee you have not heard everything though. In fact, if you read the rest of this how to diet review, Broccoli diet  you'll discover three features almost nobody is talking about ... More ...


Broccoli contains more calcium than milk and more vitamin C than oranges. This form of vegetarian diet is more than three times the amount of fiber than whole wheat bread. Even if it is so nutritious, Broccoli diet  many young people do not want to eat, either because they were told so, or have proven themselves, demonstrating the view that broccoli tastes horrible. It seems that very young broccoli is more nutritious than even adults, and not have the undesirable taste to complain Broccoli diet.Sunflower seeds.

These seeds are one of the few best sources of Vitamin E Broccoli diet. How Diet calories These seeds are mainly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. If you have a garden, all you need to do some plant seeds and wait for flowering to have a cool and comfortable treatment. The seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are very good for mental health and heart. Sunflower seeds are rich in iron ore, copper and zinc.


A fruit that is low in fat and low in calories. Broccoli diet Melons are rich in potassium and folic acid minerals. This fruit reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. Broccoli diet  They are very refreshing in hot weather, and are easy to cut. Vitamins C and A are the amounts of energy so mature in a melon. This fruit is rich in various antioxidants, which are good for improving overall health and help prevent cancer Broccoli diet.

Onion Diet - The Power of Onion Soup Diet

Wonder Onion Vegetable - Onion (Allium cepa) is one of the oldest plants used by mankind.  Onion Soup Diet World production of onion is increasing every year. The onion is the second most important horticultural crop after tomatoes. This is one of the main ingredients in the kitchen that are used mainly in Asian countries. Onions can be eaten raw, onion diet cooked and food on plates. When you eat raw onion can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach. Milk can be used to alleviate this effect. India and China are the largest producers and onion.

Medicinal properties - onion is widely used for conditions such as colds, diabetes, Onion Soup Diet heart problems, osteoporosis, etc. Onions are known to be used by almost all evil. onion diet Chinese Onions used to treat angina, coughs, bacterial infections and respiratory problems. Raw onions should be consumed with food, helps digestion and very good for maintaining a healthy body. Including the onion is your daily diet away from stomach cancer and heart disease.

Onion diet variety of onions - onions comes in several varieties,  Onion Soup Diet namely onions white onion, red onion, spring onions.

China, India, USA, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Japan, Spain, South Korea - a country of culture onion diet.

Conclusion - The onion is a vegetable that is readily available and not expensive. onion diet Knowing the benefits of onion can help heal minor ailments, Onion Soup Diet as well as the main problems. So, think about the benefits of eating onions and causing bad breath. Positive and negative are just endless onion diet.

Spanish diet - The Best to Great Lifestyle

Spanish diet - The Best to Great Lifestyle

Spanish diet

Spanish Diet  Much has been said about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet,  Spanish Diet a message that is still outstanding with each new body of research being done. spanish mediterranean diet Compared to many other parts of the world, especially in the culinary traditions of Europe and North America, the Mediterranean diet is much lower in saturated fat and calories, and increased absorption of iron and omega important Spanish Diet.

Spanish Diet Use olive oil instead of butter or sunflower oil, cooking and dressings accounts for much of the fact that the Mediterranean dishes are generally thinner and healthier than their Northern counterparts, but other elements, such as citrus, figs, spanish mediterranean diet almonds and pine nuts also contribute greatly. Spanish Diet Besides beans, cabbage and other vegetables traditional, regional cuisine also depends heavily on aubergines, avocados, zucchini, artichokes, all of which offer a delicious alternative low in fat and rich in nutrients Spanish Diet


Spanish Diet Furthermore


Spanish Diet Furthermore, ham Spanish ham is much thinner and healthier than conventional pork products, Spanish Diet while greater use of lamb also helps to reduce fat in the diet, spanish mediterranean diet not to mention the fact that Spanish and other Mediterranean people eat much more fish. Sardines, cod and anchovies alternate with meat dishes to infuse the Mediterranean diet with iron enrichment type which has now been shown to fight diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease brain Spanish Diet.

With the weather as it is, Spanish Diet there is also a greater dependence on food prepared simply and honestly without grilled thick sauces and spicy seasonings. Salad greens and provide valuable vitamins, in addition to sources of vitamin C as orange juice and green peppers and sun, while well-cured tuna varieties are perhaps the best example of the omega-rich diet lean, spanish mediterranean diet which protects people from the area of ​​obesity, Spanish Diet heart disease and a long list of other ailments.

Add the beautiful sunshine that bathes everything in a nice glow, the warm temperature all year round and a lifestyle oriented outdoor socializing, sport and exercise, and you can see why regions like the Costa del Sol considered among the healthiest in the world. spanish mediterranean diet With water sports, golf, tennis, hiking and even coffee company at your door, there is little excuse to stay in shape while having fun Spanish Diet.

Italian Diet - Easy Tips to Lose Weight

Italian Diet - Easy Tips to Lose Weight

What is Italian  Diet food?

What is Italian Diet food? Usually known as the Mediterranean diet is a good way to eat healthy foods and could also be an opportunity to lose and maintain your weight Italian Diet.

When you start a weight loss program, there is a feeling of deprivation, Italian Diet because there is a list of foods that can not be touched. Italian food In Italy we like and why we like to eat good quality food, but that does not mean the food is expensive. The Italian scheme consists of three balanced meals a day in the right proportions.

 The Mediterranean diet has a high consumption of pasta, rice, fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals, olive oil, fish, bread Italian Diet and wine in moderation Italian Diet.

The Italians have lower rates of heart / cardiovascular disease in the U.S. population,  Italian food whose diet contains similar levels of animal fat and the explanation is that large amounts of olive oil used in Italian cooking at least partially offset fats animals. According to some studies, Italian Diet the Mediterranean diet reduces mortality from coronary heart disease by 50%.

In Italian Diet 

In Italian Diet they say very important in life is to eat well, drink in moderation and have a good night sleep (in fact, one thing that Italians love to do). Italian Diet If the form Italian eating, you do not need to count calories or hard sacrifices and do not need expensive special diet foods Italian Diet .

Do not worry, you will not go hungry. It's just a matter of changing habits:  Italian Diet you can eat good healthy food in the proportions and amounts of bad fat rather unhealthy junk stacked on a plate right, and you will be satisfied with less Italian Diet .